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In 2019 Edgica took part in the Odyssey Hackathon 2019 (Groningen, Netherlands), previously known as Dutch Blockchain Hackathon, supported by the Dutch Royal and government. It was a huge event for more than 1500 developers, creatives, and top technical experts from all around the world who always dreamed of contributing to society.


Our team decided to contribute to the development of a concept of hazardous material transportation, one of the most pressing global challenges. Materials like explosives, gases, flammable liquids, oxidizers, etc. must be shipped safely, and the only way to reduce the risk of releases into the environment is to provide all the parties with information about transportation and incidents along the route. More importantly, all the data must be continuously updated in real-time.

The principal goal is to prevent disasters that may occur due to the inability to share information regarding transporting and storage of hazardous materials automatically and in real-time.

Edgica was aimed to develop a concept and a prototype that would allow reducing the number of road accidents involving hazardous materials, make transportation much safer and avoid infrastructure losses.


Our team created the concept and developed the MVP of safety app/API that worked on the ideas of:

  • Equipping the vehicles with IoT devices and sensors that log the data from gateway to IOTA of GPS coordinates of the vehicle and the data from sensors (temperature, gas, radiation, and so on) to IOTA
  • Transferring data in an encrypted way by using IOTA Masked Authenticated Messaging
  • Building a smart contract to transfer ERC20 token
  • Making map UI available to any third party that participates in transportation (transportation company, fire service, etc.)


Python, Django REST framework, Solidity, Ethereum, IOTA, RabbitMQ, MQTT, Node.js, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and many other IoT components.


Our concept and prototype won the hackathon competition! Also, this project resulted in promising business development.

If you have any questions about the project case, or an idea of a similar solution, please, get back to us, we are happy to help you!

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